Okay, it didn't really take three days to recover from the 10 mile hike. It's just been crazy busy in the Knitternall family. Mock Trial competition is Saturday for A, softball Spring Training is underway for AG, I'm working on a freelance assignment as well as some big updates to the Nature Center website, the Honda Odyssey is at the dealer so they can recreate the hinky transmission issues that seem to disappear whenever I take it in, and I drove SEVEN TIMES to and from home yesterday.
I'm pooped.
Last evening, during a quickly bolted capital campaign dinner at St. Luke's, I thought longingly about a glass of wine. But even though Jesus drank it and we serve it at communion, it seems that wine at a church dinner is not appropriate. Huh. I personally think that a glass of wine goes with anything you've just squeezed in between work, kids, stuff breaking down and needing fixing, business trips, and everything else that happens in a single day in our life.
Back to knitting.
I'm at a restless stage. I finished Jaywalker (hurray! - will post pix soon) and can't decide what major project to get underway. I'm knitting a ballband dishcloth (thanks, Mason Dixon!) as a kind of stopgap and to pass the time during Spring Training. However, it was a frigid 40 Tuesday night and I tried to knit with gloves on. Doesn't work. I also casted on another prayer shawl, which is the kind of project I like to pick up as a break from more demanding designs.
I have several options in the queue and enough yarn for a sweater or cardigan. But I'm feeling bamboo or linen these days. It's probably a yearning for spring. This has been a wicked winter for tragedy in our little community. Illness, death, infidelity, and financial difficulty are pervasive. I was talking to a friend last night that, this year in particular, Spring seems like the best hope we have for a turn for the better.
I pray so.
Since I saw a short sleeved wrap top in the latest Rowan magazine, it's stayed in my mind. I think I'll go back and look at the pattern again and see if it may scratch that itch.
Okay. Time to start another overbooked day.
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