Because I still live in the preschool world (a happy place filled with hugs and giggles and wide-eyed amazement at the simplest things), sometimes songs get stuck in my head. Not the usual sort of stuck-in-your-head song, like a commercial's melody or some blasted bubble-gum pop tune.
Right now, with the forsythia blooming and daffodils peeking from yards all around me, this song is bobbing relentlessly in my head:
There was a tree
(There was a tree)
All in the wood
(All in the wood)
The prettiest tree
(The prettiest tree)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the tree in a hole
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around
And on that tree
(And on that tree)
There was a limb
(There was a limb)
The prettiest limb
(The prettiest limb)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And on that limb
(And on that limb)
There was a branch
(There was a branch)
The prettiest branch
(The prettiest branch)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And on that branch
(And on that branch)
There was a nest
(There was a nest)
The prettiest nest
(The prettiest nest)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the nest on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And in that nest
(And in that nest)
There was an egg
(There was an egg)
The prettiest egg
(The prettiest egg)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And in that egg
(And in that egg)
There was a bird
(There was a bird)
The prettiest bird
(The prettiest bird)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And on that bird
(And on that bird)
There was a wing
(There was a wing)
The prettiest wing
(The prettiest wing)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the wing on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And on that wing
(And on that wing)
There was a feather
(There was a feather)
The prettiest feather
(The prettiest feather)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh,the feather on the wing,
And the wing on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And on that feather
(And on that feather)
There was a bug
(There was a bug)
The prettiest bug
(The prettiest bug)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the bug on the feather,
And the feather on the wing,
And the wing on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
And on that bug
(And on that bug)
There was a germ
(There was a germ)
The prettiest germ
(The prettiest germ)
That you ever did see
(That you ever did see)
Oh, the germ on the bug,
And the bug on the feather,
And the feather on the wing,
And the wing on the bird,
And the bird in the egg,
And the egg in the nest,
And the nest on the branch,
And the branch on the limb,
And the limb on the tree,
And the tree in a hole,
And the hole in the ground
And the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
Oh, the green grass grows all around, all around
The green grass grows all around.
Songs like this are called "
earworms" and in case you're wondering what are the worst culprits, here's someone's Top (?) Ten List:
- Other. Everyone has his or her own worst earworm.
- Chili's "Baby Back Ribs" jingle.
- "Who Let the Dogs Out"
- "We Will Rock You"
- Kit-Kat candy-bar jingle ("Gimme a Break ...")
- "Mission Impossible" theme
- "YMCA"
- "Whoomp, There It Is"
- "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"
- "It's a Small World After All"
Oops. Now you might have a song stuck in YOUR head.
Sorry about that.