Normally, the Knitternall clan is not much into spontaneity. We have issues. There's the "gotta plan it" mentality of the parents, the busy-ness of the girl child's summer schedule of camps, friends, and pool time, and the everpresent Crohn's flare-ups and AP World History assignments for the teen.
T and I decided on Tuesday that it's time to go to Orlando. We haven't been back since the dreadful trip five years ago, when A was in such excruciating pain and we couldn't figure out what was happening to him. A few short months later, diagnosis, perforations, surgeries, septic shock, etc. etc. etc. Now we'd like to replace those days with some happy memories, especially since A has been somewhat stable lately.

Decided Tuesday, booked tickets and hotel last evening, packed today, and we're flying off in the morning.
We'll spend four days hitting the parks and having a blast. AG saw a castle last visit and asked if we could ever stay there. Eureka! Room available and booked. Epcot, DisneyQuest, Islands of Adventure . . . since we're hopping from Mouseland to Universal Mayhem, staying off-property makes good sense.

We're packing light and rarin' to go.
On the needles for the trip: Seaman's Cap in black wool for A and a baby hat for one of the bloomin' youngin's coming this November. Easy knits for tight quarters on the plane and sure to keep me from thinking about takeoffs, landings, bumpy air, maintenance

hiccups, weather delays, overbooked flights, crazy people trying to shove their entire wardrobes into the overhead bins, and all the other fun of flying.
Whoo-hoo! Can't wait to play!