Saturday, June 18, 2011

Big things are happening in the Knitternall family.

College guy is heading to North Georgia, teen girl is moving up to Dunwoody High School, I'm writing for several new freelance clients, and Terry is stepping forth to serve the town that means so much to the Knitternall family.

Sneak peek here.

We hosted a large campaign committee brunch this morning, getting input from a wide range of supporters as we begin to develop logos, positioning statements, July 4th Parade essentials, and strategies. I am simply humbled by the enthusiasm and energy of neighbors and friends - so many great ideas came out of the meeting.

The campaign website will have all the details, while I continue to chronicle our slice of life in Dunwoody here on this blog.

Fall 2011 will be especially memorable for all of us.


  1. What is going on?! You've got our curiosity up :) Doug says he doesn't care what Terry runs for… he'd vote for him for anything!!

  2. Thanks, Kathie - such trust is humbling!

    Rebecca, we live in District 1, so Terry is running for the At-Large position linked to incumbent Robert Wittenstein. So every voter in Dunwoody can vote for Terry!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts - it's great to hear from you!